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Relational Resilience

Resilience is the ability to bounce back.

Relational Resilience is the ability to bounce back confidently no matter what you face in your relationships.

Many of my relationships connected to the trauma I experienced as a girl, became a source of uncertainty, anxiety, and pain for me.

Years ago, many times after interacting in those relationship, I would leave crying and not be able to function for about the next three days.

I didn't have the tools, skills or practices to help me confidently bounce back and even better prevent this kind of suffering. 

I now have skills that I practice on a regular basis that have bought so much peace, confidence, and joy in my life that I was previously not experiencing.

Today, I am now able to have those same relationship minus the suffering and when I face difficult things within them, I have the skills and practices I rely on to bounce back confidently.

I'm able to move forward in certainty in those relationships.

I lovingly do...

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You Are a Magnet

Sometimes, driven by fear we disconnect and isolate from others to protect ourselves.

Relationships can be the most difficult AND the most rewarding.

We may begin to see people and social situations as a threat.

Learning the skills to be the hero of your story will change everything for you.

AND you'll be able to show up more fully in your life as a result.

What if you knew your people were waiting in line and all they need is for you to show up?

Your people ARE waiting for you. 

They want to be there for you and they need you just as much as you need them.

What if that is true?

What if as soon as you start believing it, you discover it’s true.

What we believe, we find the evidence for. 

What you seek, you find.

God and the Universe will be conspiring in your favor.

Your people are on the way.

We are like magnets and the people we want and need will automatically flow into our lives?

The ones that are meant to love you, support you, and the ones you are meant to...

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