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Befriending Your Nervous System

I do a lot of cognitive behavioral work with my clients, 

To help them to moves you forward in powerful ways.

BUT, for people with trauma, 

BIG TRAUMAS, Small Traumas, or tiny traumas.

Which is pretty much everyone in one way or another,

The MISSING PIECE is befriending your nervous system.

This includes gaining awareness of your own unique nervous system,

And how you have learned to adapt.

These adaptations are how your body has coded the trauma to protect you and keep you safe in the future.

And most if not all of these adaptations may not be serving you.

When our nervous system perceives a threat, 

We either get assigned a state of connection,

Or we get assigned a state of protection.

We can only be in one state at a time.

And a lot of times our nervous system threat detector gets it wrong, 

And we get assigned this state of protection when there is really no actual danger.

We may be stuck in protection yet desperately yearning for connection in our...

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Creating Strong Foundations in Our Relationships

The foundational relationship you have with YOU is the foundation to every other relationship you have.

Evaluate your ability to love yourself unconditionally.

Are there conditions for you to feel “love” for yourself?

What are those conditions?

What do you believe about yourself if you don’t meet those expectations?

What do you feel thinking those beliefs?

How do those same conditions, beliefs, and feelings come up in your other relationships? 

What’s the connection?

There is one.

When we experience trauma, in an effort to create certainty, we choose a story to believe that helps us make sense of what we’ve experienced.

We are meaning making machines desperately wanting to make sense of our lives and sometimes we make up painful stories that erodes at our self-love, self-trust, and our self-worth in an effort to create certainty.

It’s time to start doing the work to uncover what is eroding our foundation and impacting all our other...

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