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YOU Are the Creator of Your Future

Who do you say you are?

That’s who you are bringing into the future.

You are the author and the developer of YOU.

The stories you tell about yourself matter.

You are the only one holding you back or propelling you forward.

I have met a lot of new people over the last month.

This was a great opportunity to see the stories and beliefs I was sharing about myself continuing to bring that into the future.

I got to evaluate where I was with this.

And some of the ways I was identifying with myself continue to limit me.

What stories do you share about you?

What stories keep you from stepping into who you want to become?

The way you see yourself, what you believe about yourself, and the stories you continue to share about you develops who you will become.

Awareness is the first step and most powerful step.

Once you become aware and see your power to create what you want, you can start driving powerful action.

Identify at least three stories that don’t serve you moving forward and identify why....

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Believing in Christ includes Believing in Yourself

Believing in Christ includes believing in yourself, the clay He holds in His hands.

If you believe in Christ, you too must believe in what He has to work with. YOU! You are His work. You are the clay He molds. The development of yourself is your most precious and impactful work you will do. That is why we are here. It’s a team effort and Christ believes in you.

A lack of belief in yourself creates a lack in the pliability of the clay you and Christ have to work with. Believing in Christ, HAS to include believing in yourself.

What you believe, you create. If you believe in Christ, you will experience Him in your life. You will see His tender mercies and how you are the clay in His hands.

When you believe in yourself you will see yourself in a new light. You will gain self confidence and you will start seeing change within you increase. You will become more pliable.

Not too many years ago I was struggling with so many areas in my...

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