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YOU Are the Creator of Your Future

Who do you say you are?

That’s who you are bringing into the future.

You are the author and the developer of YOU.

The stories you tell about yourself matter.

You are the only one holding you back or propelling you forward.

I have met a lot of new people over the last month.

This was a great opportunity to see the stories and beliefs I was sharing about myself continuing to bring that into the future.

I got to evaluate where I was with this.

And some of the ways I was identifying with myself continue to limit me.

What stories do you share about you?

What stories keep you from stepping into who you want to become?

The way you see yourself, what you believe about yourself, and the stories you continue to share about you develops who you will become.

Awareness is the first step and most powerful step.

Once you become aware and see your power to create what you want, you can start driving powerful action.

Identify at least three stories that don’t serve you moving forward and identify why.

Then, identify why these stories aren’t an absolute truth about you.

How are these stories also not true?

How may you be wrong about them?

Break free by rewriting your story.

Journal or go stand in front of a mirror.

Write or tell yourself…

Who you are.

I am courageous.

I will never give up.

I am free to be the true version of myself & I get to choose it.

What matters to you?

Giving myself and others grace.
Helping others.

What will you do?

Love unconditionally.

Accepts where I am AND push forward to achieve what I want most.

Choose your stories deliberately.

Practice BEING the version of yourself you want to be.

The YOU minus perfection or impossible expectations.

The YOU that embraces your imperfect humanness and sees it as the vehicle to reach greater heights.


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