This is the program to create your dream relationships starting with YOU

YOU are half of every relationship you have. YOU are the only part of the relationship you can control. And YOU are the part that has the ability to make the most difference. YOU have the capacity to create the relationships you want most.

Relationships with...



Unconditional Love










Resolving conflict


And resilience

What would you add to this list?


It starts with you going first,

By creating this dream relationship with YOU,

As the foundation to every other relationship you have.

Friendships, Social, and Working Relationships

Familial Relationships

Romantic Relationships

Your Relationship with YOU


I have coached my clients on many different topics. I specialize in helping my clients with their relationships after experiencing trauma. Navigating relationships can become even more difficult after trauma especially when we experience trauma within our closest, most trusted relationships.

I help my clients:  

1) Create a safe harbor anchoring themselves in safety, resilience, and confidence

2) Break free, bounce back, and become the hero of their story

3) Get off the emotional roller coaster they are currently experiencing within their relationships

4) Create stronger, more connective, authentic relationships using my relationship framework

5) And create a relationship with themselves that heals their inner wounds and sets them up for success in every other relationship they have


Now is the Time to Creating Relationships You'll Treasure! 

We will dive into your relationships and transform them from the inside out. By learning and implementing the self coaching model and my formula for creating productive, resilient relationships, you’ll discover the secret to getting yourself off of the emotional rollercoaster. You'll become the hero of your story and what you experience within your relationships will dramatically improve even if you are doing this work solo, only on your end of the relationship. 

If you are ready to go “All In” on yourself and your relationships and take them to the next level, this is the program for you. 

Each program is customized, but here are a few topics we discuss:

  • Creating Safety in Your Relationships after Trauma

  •  The Four Pillars of Developing Self Confidence

  •  Victims Need Villains / YOU are the Hero of Your Story

  •  Creating More Connection 

  •  Growing Your Love-Ability 

  •  Befriending your Emotions 

  •  Taking Your Power Back & Getting off the Emotional Rollercoaster

  •  Replacing Old Patterns: People Pleasing, Perfectionism, & more

  •  Developing Productive Communication Skills 

  •  How to Create Mental & Emotional Resilience (Relational Resilience)

  •  Create Stronger Relationships w/my Relationship Framework

  •  Using Your Trauma FOR you / Post Traumatic Growth

    AND MORE....

The most powerful part of this program is these tools will be put in your own hands to establish your own mental and emotional wellness for a lifetime.

Since coaching, I have had huge transformations in my life. I have taken my unhealthy, no contact relationships and turned them into thriving relationships starting with my relationship with myself. I went from being desperate for emotional relief to being in charge of my emotional wellness. I went from doubting myself and my abilities to having my own back, living powerfully, and knowing I can handle whatever challenges come my way. I have become a woman who loves unconditionally especially with myself. It has become my job to meet my needs and set healthy boundaries to take care of myself as well as creating a strong, connective, support system to help me meet my needs. We are hardwired for connection. It is important to be both dependent and independent in our most beloved relationships. I have discovered the beautiful balance to this that will help you get off of the emotional roller coaster and start thrive in your relationships.

Come with me, I can show you how.  

This program does not help you aim for perfection. The goal is to meet yourself with grace and lovingly move in the direction you truly want to be including being able to creating the relationships of your dreams. It's about embracing your humanness, all of it, as the vehicle to take you on the journey of becoming who you always have truly been. And create true connection with the people in your life. This program offers you the tools to help you be intentional on this journey and to help you navigate it and be in charge and managing your human experience in a world that consists of both positive and negative. 

Want to experience what coaching with me is like AND to see if we are a good fit to work together?

Schedule a free 60 minute introductory coaching session with me. I will coach you and let you try out first hand the value of coaching. 

Schedule A Free Introductory Call


I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and a Certified Life Coach. I am a wife and a mother of four. I enjoy a good challenge and am driven to seek growth. I love to drive fast and my happy place is creating my own roller coasters at the sand dunes.

I work with people of all faiths and beliefs. You do not have to be a member of my church to work with me. Yet, because of my background in my church, I understand the culture, the doctrine, and how it impacts all aspects of its member's lives.

I also have experienced trauma and sexual abuse that provides a unique perspective, knowledge, and understanding for my clients. I understand the complexities and challenges that come from dealing with a culture of abuse in family life. I understand the impact for all involved.

With my unique background, I may be just the coach you’ve been looking for. 

After doing a few years of traditional and specialized trauma therapy I found coaching and started Self Coaching April 2020. It completely changed my life and I found my passion and learned what I truly feel I was born to do.

I have been coaching since April 2021. I became a certified coach through the Life Coach School and opened my coaching practicing in October 2021. I have been living my dream ever since.

Learn More

I love hearing about how coaching has impacted my client's lives.
Here are just a few I recently received.

Jessica Brown

"Julie is amazing at helping me see other options I hadn’t considered and helping me realize what underlying things I do in my life that actually are a huge cause of my issues. She helps create the space to make self discoveries and ultimately become my best self. I don’t always feel safe sharing my true self with people. Julie accepts you where you are and does not judge you or anyone else in your story. She only tries to shine light in the corners.”


"Thanks to Julie, I found the courage to break free from a 30-year emotionally abusive relationship, marred by infidelity. While leaving was the first step, I found myself lost in the aftermath, struggling to rebuild my life. Julie has been my guiding light in this journey of healing and self-discovery. Her unwavering support and practical wisdom have empowered me to navigate the challenges of starting fresh, reclaiming my independence, and embracing a future filled with hope and possibility. I'm deeply grateful for her expertise and compassionate guidance as I continue to rebuild my life with strength and resilience."

Clarice Paulson

"Working with Julie has been life-changing. I feel seen, heard, and inspired coming out of our sessions. Julie has gotten to the root of my beliefs and thoughts with gentle prompting, and it enables me to work in the space she creates with patience, love, and understanding. I have been able to improve my relationships with myself, God, and those around me. To feel my emotions and not avoid what I am going through. I feel more authentic and excited for whats to come in life, and what we might talk about in our next session. I am creating light in my life and Julie has been the game changer."

Rachel Hales

"As a coach myself, I can spot great coaching when I see it! Julie gives great coaching! She has some incredibly extraordinary superpower gifts to help her clients achieve lasting success in gaining confidence within themselves as well as feeling connected with who they really are in situations that can be difficult to sift through to remembering who we are. I’ve been a client of five different very well known coaches and my growth results outshine my growth with Julie than the other coaches! I promise you want her in your corner! She will help you see where you get yourself stuck and how to get free. It’s amazing working with her. You’ll feel incredible love radiating from her which will encourage you forward to your dreams. Take the leap of faith forward into her program! You’ll be so pleased that you did!"